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Dr. Thelma Bland Watson
Scholarship Fund

Your contribution to the Dr. Thelma Bland Watson Scholarship Fund invests in the education of future gerontologists.


Dr. Thelma Bland Watson is the Honorary Conference Committee Chair of the 2023 Virginia Governor's Conference on Aging. She was a leader in programming and policy-making that enhanced lives and strengthened support networks for older adults in the greater Richmond region and across the Commonwealth. Her leadership was instrumental in relaunching the Governor's Conference on Aging in 2016.

A highly regarded and trusted authority in aging services, former state commissioner of aging, Dr. Watson remains best known for her 19 years as the leader of the Richmond-based Senior Connections, the Capital Area Agency on Aging. During her career, she served as deputy commissioner and commissioner of the Virginia Department of Aging during the administrations of Gov. Gerald L. Baliles, Gov. L. Douglas Wilder, and Gov. George F. Allen. Earlier in her career, she held management posts in the Crater District Area Agency on Aging and the Crater Planning District Commission that serve the Petersburg area. Along with her leadership role at Senior Connections, Dr. Watson also was associated with multiple organizations involved with aging and served on a variety of boards and commissions.

Dr. Watson later earned a master’s in gerontology and a doctorate in public policy and administration from Virginia Commonwealth University. She also earned certifications from the Virginia Executive Institute and the National Long-Term Care Institute.


The Dr. Thelma Bland Watson Scholarship Fund will financially support individuals enrolled in graduate-level Gerontology programs in Virginia schools. Your investment in the Scholarship Fund will ensure Dr. Watson's legacy lives on in the next generation of gerontologists who are committed to older adults and their caregivers.


The scholarship fund is being established and will be distributed by the Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging with support from Senior Connections. In a special effort to launch the Dr. Thelma Bland Scholarship Fund during VGCOA 2023, scholarship supporters can choose to support through the $500 sponsorship which will jointly support the Scholarship Fund and the Conference, or supporters can choose to contribute directly to the Scholarship Fund. More information about the Scholarship Fund will be announced during VGCOA 2023.

Dr. Watson was a strong advocate for the Virginia Governor's Conference on Aging and knew the importance of bringing Virginia's Aging Network advocates together. For this reason, we are currently providing an opportunity to invest in both the Conference and the Scholarship Fund. The $500 Scholarship Sponsorship will dedicate $250 to support VGCOA 2023 and $250 to support the Scholarship Fund.  

Your Dr. Thelma Bland Watson Scholarship sponsorship will be recognized,

  • Recognition at the Tuesday, May 9, VGCOA Lunch Session

  • Agency name and logo listed on the VGCOA Website as a Scholarship Fund supporter

  • Agency name and logo listed on the V4A Website as a Scholarship Fund supporter

  • Recognition in the VGCOA Conference App

  • Agency name and logo listed on appropriate Conference signage

  • An opportunity to include a branded item in the attendee swag bag

All sponsorships must be submitted with a Sponsorship Commitment form to to ensure proper recognition. 

Dr. Thelma Bland Watson Scholarship Fund
Your investment in the Scholarship Fund supports the education of future gerontologist and the aging network in the Commonwealth.

If you wish to contribute directly to the Scholarship Fund, inve
stments can be made online.

The Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging does encourage payment by check or ACH transfer whenever possible, to ensure the full amount of your contribution goes directly to supporting the education of future gerontologists. For these methods of payment please contact

Thank you for your support!

The Dr. Thelma Bland Watson Scholarship Fund is generously supported by

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Questions? Contact Martina James or (540)809-7505


Make checks payable to:

Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging



Send form electronically to:


Mail form and Payment to:

Virginia Assoc. of Area on Aging

Attn: VGCOA 2025

PO Box 636

Richmond, Va 23218


Conference Manager & Staff

Martina James,

   ph: 540-809-7505

Conference Staff

Eldon James,

Gillian Saul,




c/o V4A

PO Box 636

Richmond, Virginia 23218

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